The Rhine and the Danube.
The rivers forming the north and east border of the Roman Empire are the Rhine and the Danube.
b.placed heavy restriction on the local population; direct control such as in southern Rhodesia
c. allowed the local population to participate in government; indirect control such as Kenya and Uganda,
d.gave the local population no rights; direct control ; such as in South Africa
e.did not give the local population any position in government; direct control
f.forced th elocal population to adopt new european cultures; direct control
a.offered some rights to the local population;indirect rule
The Reconstruction in the south ended with Hayes becoming president because previously the republicans agreed with the democrats in giving him the charge of control. One of the new decisions was the retired of the troops on Louisiana and South Carolina, which caused the loss of protection and rights on the black race.
Advances in technology increased taxes on business