well first it is an idea...someone thinks of it up and decides they want to make a law...so a bill is thought up.
It's then proposed...a Representative talks to other Representatives to gather support for it.
Once it's proposed it's sent to a committee, to be reviewed, researched and revised...it's then sent to the House floor.
After that, the bill gets debated...and it gets voted on.
After that, if the bill passes the House of Representatives, it is then sent to the Senate. It's done with the House. <span />
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Literatura poscolonial
en sí mismo, no repara la desigualdad de género».[19] Audre Lorde fue una feminista, escritora, activista y influida sobre el feminismo negro. Advierte
this could go either way, he brought a lot of destruction and militancy and many died by his hand, but his support from the working class was so great for a reason, he should get credit for the positive reforms he instituted in taking care of people who had been previously exploited, and blame for the collateral damage that ensued as well as his totalitarian methods
The american civil war beacause you cant just search only that up. You will get lots of answers beacuse more than one thing happened then.