78 percent - nitrogen
21percent- oxygen
absorbs ultraviolet-ozonosphere
atmospheric weather-stratosphere
starts seven miles -troposphere
layer composed 0f layers- thermosphere
important fr radio wave-ionosphrere
trapping of heat- green house effect
The Torres Strait
<u>The Torres Strait </u>
The name is given aster the navigator , Luis Vaz de Torres , in the year 1606 .
It is the water body ,which is present in between the Australia and the New Guinea's Melanesian island .
Approximately 93 mi or 150 Km width at it narrowest extent .
<u>To the south direction is the Cape York Peninsula , </u>
<u>To its north direction is the western province of the Papua New Guinea .</u>
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The Impact of Soil Erosion on Agricultural Potential and Performance of Sheshegu Community Farmers in the Eastern Cape of South Africa.
available technologies with international standing for this purpose, and the techniques and approaches used in South Africa. More recent techniques and products related to soil erosion at a national scale receive special attention.