Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians lived among the established Arab population.
There were Christianized tribes, as well as Christian communities. The Sasanian empire, which had influence in northern Arabia was mostly adept of Zoroastrianism. On the other hand, Judaism had a strong influence on the birth of Islam, due to its strong presence in this territory, in Medina, a very important city for Islam, they were half of the population at the time of arrival of Mohammed.
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An example that proves that the Civil War played a role in advancing U.S. industrial progress is cotton. Cotton was something that gave women a bit of freedom, because they weren't really allowed to go out much instead they stayed home to do housework.
We must evaluate the performance of a candidate in a debate through the relevance and construction of his arguments and his oratory capacity.
The debate is a way of finding out about a certain topic, through the ability of two or more individuals to argue and speak.
With this, we can affirm that the best way to evaluate the performance of a candidate in a debate is through the construction of arguments and the supporting evidence, assessing whether the candidate presents relevant, true and proven information to build an effective argument. The oratorical capacity of the candidate is also important. This must always be calm, integral, fluent and with a good diction.