Even though they could not hold public office, creoles were the least oppressed of those born in Latin America. They were the best educated, many traveling to Europe for their education. Meaning, their skill outnumbered many.
The Boeing B-29 was used by the United States Air Force towards the end of World War II, as well as in the Korean War. They were only produced from 1943-1946, right at the end of the war. However, they were used by the USAF and Royal Air Force until 1954. The entire line (including the revised version, the B-50) was retired in 1960.
Therefore, the answer is A, since production of the plane stopped in 1946, one year after the end of WWII.
Strategic Defense: A system to protect the United States from enemy missiles
Hope this helps =]
In March 1865 the Freedmen's Bureau was passed; many Northern's disagreed on this bill. In January 1865 Gen. Sherman divided the land along the SC and GA coast into 40 acre plots.
What kind of subject you want to major in - some colleges offer better programs than others. You should consider what is realistic for your future in terms of GPA, SAT scores, and extracurricular. You might consider a budget, since not everyone is able to pay for extremely expensive colleges, such as NYU. Also consider the place. Is it fun? Are there more people? Are the costs for apartments, etc more expensive there? Consider what is practical, and not just how prestigious its name is.