I am pretty sure the the South was more industrial than the North because in the North they mostly got goods from the South because there in the South is were farmers grew there crops. I hoped this helped you understand even though I couldn’t really explain it well. I learned this in 5th grade so I tried my best to remember what they taught me.
Answer:The twin towers
Princess Diana decided that new york was boring and needed something else thats good, like there pizza. So she talked to Mr Obama and it as a deal! They made the twin towers!
An outspoken Anti-Federalist, Henry opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, which he felt put too much power in the hands of a national government. His influence helped create the Bill of Rights, which guaranteed personal freedoms and set limits on the government's power.
Answer:In the aftermath of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union engaged combat. In 1945, the United States was the only country in the world with an atomic bomb
Explanation: so i would say USA and Russia
<span>2)Unlike a joint committee, a conference committee
-works out a compromise bill between the House and Senate versions of a bill.
-is composed of members of both houses.
-is set up to serve a temporary purpose.
-is investigative in nature.
3)When a bill is engrossed, it is
-printed in its final form.
-scheduled for debate on the House floor.
-put to a vote.
-sent to the president.
4)In both the House and Senate, a bill introduced by a member is next
-given a number.
-scheduled for floor debate.
-sent to a standing committee.
-sent to the president.
5)Through which process are states assigned the number of representatives they are entitled to after the census?
6)Drawing congressional district boundaries to the advantage of the party in power in the legislature is called which of the following?
7)What is the minimum age requirement for a candidate for the House of
8)What is the minimum age requirement for a candidate for the Senate?
9)Who is the person next in line for the presidency after the vice president?
-majority leader of the Senate
-president of the Senate
-secretary of state
-Speaker of the House
10)Which of the following is the most powerful figure in the Senate?
-majority leader
-majority whip
-president pro tempore
11)Which of the following is true statement about the power of Congress?
-Congress may overrule the Bill of Rights.
-Congress may pass any law necessary and proper to carry out its enumerated powers.
-Congress may overrule decisions by federal judges.
-Congress may override a presidential veto by a simple majority vote.
12)Who elects the president should the Electoral College fail to do so?
-House of Representatives
13)What is a congressional committee that deals with subjects on a continuing basis from one session to the next?
-conference committee
-joint committee
-select committee
-standing committee
14)When the president nominates a candidate for the Supreme Court, that nomination must be confirmed by which of the following?
-House of Representatives
-House of Representatives and the Senate
-state legislatures
15)What is a committee that studies an issue for a limited time for some specific purpose?
-joint committee
-conference committee
-select committee
-standing committee
16)What is a resolution of Congress that has the force of law?
-concurrent resolution
-joint resolution
-legal resolution
-simple resolution
17)Which describes the process of defeating a bill through the use of unlimited debate in the Senate?
18)What is an amendment to a bill in the Senate that has nothing to do with the subject for the bill?
19)Which amendment changed the election of senators from state legislature to direct, popular vote?
-Sixteenth Amendment
-Seventeenth Amendment
-Eighteenth Amendment
-Nineteenth Amendment
20)"Congress does not have an unlimited power to tax. As with all other powers, the taxing power must be used in accord with all other provisions of the Constitution."
Which one the following is an example of tax that would violate the Constitution?
-an increase in income taxed
-a tax on tobacco or alcohol
-tax on religious services
-a tax on parts of the interstate highway system</span>