Well the fact that jails are overcrowded is one factor that shows it's not working. Some people need help from past traumas, abuse, etc. Not everyone that acts out needs to be incarcerated, they need rehabilitation or counseling. Definitely depends on the crime committed. Therefore substance abuse users would be in rehabilitation. Even Juveniles in detention centers don't benefit from incarceration for certain offenses. There is no rehabilitation in incarceration. There are more criminals in jail and incarceration in my opinion, only for some offenders, is the last option. Now for Sex Offenders, Murderers and Criminals with violent crimes my opinion is completely opposite. Some of those offenders should be dealt with according to their crime. Also, all of the people that have been pardoned and them lessening time for drug traffickers and actual drug dealers (not necessarily users) is just a bad thing to pardon them or let them out because they don't have any violent crimes. Isn't dealing drugs, that are killing people every single day just as bad as a violent crime. In my opinion they can sit and rot for the longevity of their sentence. Some need help and I would fully support that only under some circumstances. Others I would rather not have to live amongst them.
Since the time complexity of visiting a node is O(1) in iterative implementation.So the time complexity of visiting every single node in binary tree is O(n).We can use level order traversal of a binary tree using a queue.Which can visit every node in O(n) time.Level order traversal do it in a single loop without doing any extra traversal.
System software are software that can be installed and run separately
Option d pretest
Given the pseudocode:
- do stepA
- do stepB
- if conditionC is true
- then do stepD
- else
- do stepE
- end if
- while conditionF is true
- do stepG
- end while
The pseudocode above shows that there is a pretest before some codes are executed. For example, line 3 check if condition is true then only execute stepD otherwise execute stepE. Line 8 check if conditionF is true then repeatedly execute stepG. These are examples of pretest a condition will must be met (pretest passed) before a block of codes can be executed. This pretest can be seen in if-else statements and also the while condition.