1. In choosing a financial institution you must consider how frequently the bank responds, how long they operate on the weekends, the notary services they are offering, the loans you can get and their financial strength among others. The most important factor to consider would be the institution's financial strength since you must only put your trust in institutions with high strength.
2. One good thing about the U.S. savings bonds is their security and the fact that the investments that you will make in these bonds will not cost you any form of state or local taxes. Cons would include its complexity though as it can get hard for you to identify when the bonds will mature, their interest rates, when to know how to cash them, and their current value.
3. If you put your trust in the so-called "problematic" financial institutions, you are basically gambling your money away. First of all, as mentioned earlier, you must only put your trust in banks with a healthy financial strength since problematic ones will be unreliable and unsafe. Trusting them can lead to your money being stolen or you can also be bombarded with additional fees.
4. The state and local government have laws that will protect the consumer from unfair practices or frauds. As an individual, you can add more security to protect yourself and your money. This protection includes setting up alerts on your bank account, adding a two-step verification on your emails so no one can access it easily, as well as avoiding calling lists.
5. One major advantage is that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has a $100,000 guarantee per institution so your investment won't be totally gone during unfortunate circumstances. The disadvantage, on the other hand, is that the interest rates on federally-insured accounts are below the inflation rate so you can expect a decrease in the value of your money over time.
A) interest rates will rise.
When the FED buys US securities it is carrying out an expansionary monetary policy. It reduces the interest rate of US securities so that more investors are willing to sell their US securities to the FED since their rate of return is very small.
If the FED stops buying back US securities, it means that they will stop their expansionary monetary policy, so the FED will start to increase US securities' interest rates. That way investors will be willing to keep their US securities and will not sell them since their rate of return has increased. This increase in the interest rate will lower the price of US securities and decrease the money supply.
false general partners have legal authority to make joint decisons
Answer: Political union
Economic integration is an agreement among the countries in a region that is aimed to reduce and remove the barriers to the free flow of the factors of production and goods or services.
A political union is a type of union that is formed out of smaller states. A political union is the most advanced form of integration wherby there is a common government and one where the sovereignty of member countries are reduced. It is found within federations where there's a central government and level of autonomy in the regions.
It limits Andrew's REWARD power, or the power to financially compensate someone for meeting his demands.