It it is not healthy to try and make someone like you or make them do something they don't want to do. It is good they have set boundaries and respecting those boundaries will help you gain trust.
1. Risking failure of death for a heart replacement is extending your life, so if you are extending your life that probably means you dont have very long to live anyways. So I would risk death for the procedure of heart surgery to try and extend my already shortened life expectancy.
Topic: our god Is a powerful god
Detail/supporting sentences: he made all things beautiful according to his plans. he has control on the things that are happening around us.
Conclusion sentence: remember that nothing is impossible with god.
Topic: fruits are nutritious and delicious food
Detail/supporting sentences: fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin c, vitamin e, and potassium
Conclusion sentence: for these reasons, it is a good idea to eat lots of fruits
Hope this helps!
William Wordsworth's 1807 poem epitomizes the work of the British Romantic poets. It could be said that their collective aim was to celebrate the power of the human imagination as a means of coping with life's troubles. The Romantics also possessed feelings of reverence for Nature, and "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" reflects both of those values.
The speaker in Wordsworth's poem recalls embarking on a ramble and happening upon a massive field of daffodils along a bay. He is captivated with how they are "fluttering and dancing in the breeze" in a way that rivaled the...