After the fall of both Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety, the directory took control under five leaders.
Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, Willem de Kooning, and Mark Rothko are best-known as pioneers of Abstract Expressionism. But all four were also among thousands of artists and other creatives employed by the government through the Works Progress Administration (WPA) between the years of 1935 and 1943. That the arts would be funded significantly by the federal government—never mind that it would actively employ artists—may well raise an eyebrow today. But working under a subdivision of the WPA known as the Federal Art Project, these artists got to work to help the country recover from the Great Depression, as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal.
Evidence of impoverishment and a portfolio showcasing one’s skills and commitment to the arts were all that was needed to qualify for the WPA initiative. This and the Federal Art Project’s non-discrimination clause meant that it attracted, and hired, not just white men but also artists of color and women who received little attention in the mainstream art world of the day. These artists created posters, murals, paintings, and sculptures to adorn public buildings.
It went down, causing a drop in food production and
(See explanation below for further details)
Why did World War II become such an aircraft-dependent war?
Due to the need of destroying enemy infrastructure without needing the direct presence of infantry, minimizing human losses.
Why did the Allies have an advantage in the skies?
Since the Allies had a bigger industrial capacity for manufacturing thousands of airplanes in short time and a well-developed logistics to move them to the battlefront and keep them operational.