It helps to gather details.
i believe so!goodluck!
1. five feet - pentameter
2. one foot - monometer
3. two feet - dimeter
4. seven feet - heptameter
5. four feet - tetrameter
6. three feet - trimeter
7. six feet - hexameter
8. eight feet - octameter
<u>This question refers to meter in poetry, which is done by counting the number of syllables.</u> However, different types of meter will count syllables in different ways. An iambic pentameter, for example, will consider an unstressed syllable plus a stressed one as one foot. Each line will repeat that pattern five times, which is why it is called pentameter.
<u>To match the columns above, we need to know the meaning of the different prefixes used:</u>
<u>mono - one</u>
<u>di - two</u>
<u>tri - three</u>
<u>tetra - four</u>
<u>penta - five</u>
<u>hexa - six</u>
<u>hepta - seven</u>
<u>octa - eight</u>
Remember that those same prefixes are used in other fields of knowledge? For instance, in geometry, a pentagon is a figure with five sides and five angles.
By creating a permanent water supply
Hope this helped
Dear John,
I bought a dog! We are having a really great time together! His name is Rex, and he is a golden retriever. His hair is gold, and he is quite big for an eight-month-old puppy. I think Rex is a really obedient dog - he even learned to sit at my command! I take him out for a walk at least three times a day, and prepare meals for him. He prefers dog food, such as kibbles, but also likes to eat chicken. He likes to play in front of the house, and especially to run with a ball in his mouth. Rex also has his toys, which we use to play together when I get home from school.
To jest przykład listu, który napiszesz do swojego przyjaciela. Ponieważ przyjaciel pochodzi z USA, list prawdopodobnie zostałby napisany w języku angielskim. List opisuje niedawno zakupionego psa, jego wygląd, cechy charakteru i sposób opieki nad nim. List opisuje, jak spędzasz razem czas i dobrze się bawisz.