These are the differences:
Compound - when the action is done, and only shows the result
Imperfect - the action is still done, but describes in more detail about the process, focuses deeply on the duration
hope this helps !!
Burundi, in long form the Republic of Burundi, in Kirundi Republika y'Uburundi, is a country of East Africa without access to the sea, but having a large shoreline on the Lake Tanganyika, located in the region of Great Lakes and surrounded by the Democratic Republic of Congo to the west, Rwanda to the north, and Tanzania to the east and south. Its capital is Bujumbura.Traditional drumming of karyenda is an important part of Burundian cultural heritage, as indicated by the world-famous Royal Drummers of Burundi. Traditional dance often accompanies the drumming, which is frequently seen in celebrations and family gatherings. Some Burundian artisans have special songs to accompany different stages of their work.Burundian cuisine is a reflection of the varied geography of the country: Burundi is located in Central Africa on a territory of mountains, savannas, agricultural fields, forests located near rivers and water points. Agriculture is spread over 80% of the country's surface. It includes coffee, tea, maize, beans and cassava. Thanks to these characteristics, Burundi cuisine is very representative of African culinary culture, because it includes beans, which are the basis of Burundian cuisine, exotic fruits, mainly plantains, sweet potatoes, cassava, peas. and cereals, such as corn and wheat. Burundian food is low in meat, because livestock is a secondary activity. However, there are some dishes of goat and sheep meat. The cow is considered a sacred animal and is not consumed.
Burundian cuisine is based on homemade food, using homemade utensils used for drinking, transporting water and storing cereals.
Tu te promènes.
Nous jouons un jeu de softball.
Elle ne fait pas attention.
Il fait une limonade.
Vous ne faites pas de voyage.
Je fais attention.
Ils ne font pas de steak.
On ne se promène pas.
Il fait un voyage en France.
Vous jouez tous à un match de foot.
Tu ne fais pas attention.
Nous faisons une salade.
Je ne fais pas de crêpe.
Elle se promène.
Vous ne faites pas de voyage au Canada.
Je me promène en ville.
Ils ne font pas d’omelette.
Vous faites tous de la crème glacée.
Il joue au basket.
<span>Answer the following question:
</span><span>Quel jour sommes-nous?
</span>Nous sommes jeudi.
Or : Aujourd'hui nous sommes jeudi.
<span />
"ce" = this (masculin singulier)
"cet" = this (masculin singulier) when the following word begins with a vowel (or a h)
"cette" = this (féminin singulier)
"ces" = these (pluriel)
1. J'aime bien cette maison avec cet arbre au milieu du jardin.
2. Combien coûtent ce pull rouge, sur l'étagère et ces chaussures, s'il-vous-plaît ?
3. Cet hôtel est vraiment très confortable et cette piscine très agréable !
4. A qui sont ces enfants et ce chien ?
5. Ces baskets et cette robe vont bien ensemble !
6. Cet immeuble au milieu de ce parc, ce n'est pas très beau !