¿Dónde guardas los papeles?
Where do you store the papers?
The options are as follows.
· la carpeta
- "the folder" or "the file"
· la hoja de papel
- "the sheet of paper"
· el libro
- "the book"
· la calculadora - "the calculator"
One does not store papers in sheets of paper, books (not usually, anyway), or in a calculator, thus the correct answer is in a file or folder.
la carpeta
First Poem:
I don't know what he gave you.
I don't know what I gave you, for a look a world,
for a smile the sky,
For a kiss, I don't know what I gave you for a kiss.
H is silent
J makes the H sound
One R makes a short roll. Double R makes a longer roll.
You roll your tongue twice for Rs next to each other and then roll your tongue once for the singular R
One L makes the L sound. Double L makes the Y sound.
I makes the ee sound.
G makes the J sound if followed by an e or i
C makes a Z sound when it is followed by an e or i.
Ñ makes a ny sound (think of Nyan cat)
B and V sound almost EXACTLY alike. V doesn't make the V sound in English, it makes a quick B sound without touching your lips.
CH is pronounced the exact way you learned to pronounce it in English.