Jim and Della love each other
Stay Away and Forget
This is hope-despair situation. Since Jason has no legal agreement with the builder who is not obliged to go ahead with plan the anger of Jason is not justified. I would tell Jason to just stay away from such dreamy thoughts outcome of which is based on other man's plan and projects. Jason should also not do any more small investment in his house just with the hope of builder's plan. There is a suggestion if Jason could motivate the builder to go ahead with his earlier plan, but if he thinks he ma not able to do it he should forget it like a momentary dream of hope and despair.
After her death, Victor seems to feel remorse and guilt because he is aware of what he did, because of the monster he created two family members are dead. Bu, at one point, these feelings turned into anxiety, it might give the reader the idea that he is impossible to figure out. This attitude might foreshadow what happens in Geneva and his decision of keeping the monster alive. It might be interpreted that more obscure things are about to happen.
Through a Dystopian Society
It's one who is awake, standing up, and presumably alert
to the wishes and commands of the Lord.