Isn’t hablo con mis padres todo los dias
¿Usted <u>conoce a</u> este agente de inmigracion?
"Oh as in boat"
If you say the letter "o" it sounds like the word "oh" or the word "boat".
Answer the question based on the text given.
Family world and scientific world (Fragment)
As a social being I find myself linked to a story. The sensitive part of my conscience tells me a story of a world that surrounds me. This story talks about familiar objects. He talks about the colors, the sounds, the smells that are his own; of the unlimited space in which they are submerged and of the time that, in its incessant course, produces changes and incidents. He tells me about a life other than mine, which only takes care of its own affairs.
As a scientist, I have learned to distrust that story. In many cases it has turned out that things are not what they appear to be. If I believe what the narrator tells me about things, at this moment I have a solid table before me; but physics has taught me that this table is not exactly the continuous substance that history supposes, but a multitude of small electric charges thrown in all directions with an unimaginable speed. Rather than being a solid substance, my table looks more like a swarm of mosquitoes.
Arthur Eddington
Taken from: Herrera Restrepo, Daniel. (nineteen ninety five). Social theory of science and technology. Santafé de Bogotá: Unisur. P.21.
From the content of the text we can conclude that:
Is this what you need?
¿Esto es lo que necesitas?
I hoped this helped
Esperaba que esto ayudara