"the price for an item is too high" - not a noun phrase. Actually, this is a clause, as it has a predicate of its own.
"a bottle of water while strolling" - not a noun phrase. "A bottle of water" would be a noun phrase (a phrase that has a noun as a headword), but "while strolling" is an adverbial phrase that describes the verb "buy".
"The same brand of bottled water" - noun phrase. The headword is "brand", and all the other words cling to it and provide additional explanation.
"a pair of athletic shoes" - noun phrase. The headword is "pair".
noun- a member of a class of words that can function as the subject or object in a construction, are often formally distinguished, as by taking the plural and possessive endings, and typically refer to persons, places, animals, things,
pronoun. : any of a small set of words in a language that are used as substitutes for nouns or noun phrases and whose referents are named or understood in the context.
1. allows the narrator to exaggerate
Authorial reticence is lack of clear conclusion or opinions about an event. It allows the narrator to exaggerate and escape the judgement. The readers does not prefer authorial reticence as there is absence of clear judgement. There author can include fantasies and magics which will end up readers concluding things their own way. It leaves readers in the state of uncertainty and clear conclusion is not given right way.
hans lippershay and lyman spitzzer
i had it on a test
I am literally stuck on the same question and cant seem to figure it out but I think it is either a or b