The correct answer is "Don Quixote is an idealist and Sancho Panza is a realist".
In the famous novel "The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha" by Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote is portrayed as a man that avoids reality and prefers to see it as part of a knights novel, where he is the protagonist of glorious deeds. Don Quixote is a clear example of an idealist. On the other hand, Don Quixote's squire Sancho Panza, is a sarcastic man that function as a realist and helps his master to see the world as it is. For instance, Sancho Panza warned Don Quixote when he tried to fight "ferocious giants" that were in fact windmills.
Hey! If my answer doesn't fit your needs, I apologize; this idea is very broad, so the expected answer may vary depending on your class/the text you're reading, etc.
Just going off logic:
- Art is a skill commonly linked to creativity/creative thinking/efficient decision making; adding it to elementary/pre school curriculums may be a way to help build those skills early-on.
- It can also be argued, on the other end, that art is already very prevalent in early education (and investing more money and time into more complex art curriculums would be a waste).
These are very broad, general viewpoints; make sure you're linking them to the similar perspectives of credible people.
Hopefully I was of at least some help!
I don't know about cans sorry bro
It was long and narrow so you were closer to land as where in the Atlantic Ocean it is miles before you'll see land.
I'd say when its used to support something.