The patricians didn't want the common people to have a voice.This caused problems for them.
Answer:Under the separation of powers, each branch of government has a unique function. The legislative branch makes the laws and has the power to pass, change, and repeal laws. Article I of the Constitution establishes the legislative branch (the House of Representatives and the Senate).
<u>The Birth of a Nation was a film that triggered the revival of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1910s and 1920s. </u>Its original name was "the Clansman". It was released in 1915.
The film is set during the American Civil War and the Reconstruction Era, and tells the story of two families: one pro-Union and the other pro-Confederacy.
The film was a commercial success but it was also very polemic because of the manner in which black men were portrayed as unintelligent and sexually aggressive towards white women, and because it represented the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as a heroic force. Such image presented, inspired the revival of the KKK.
Here's one-With only an elementary school education he began his career as a sewing-machine mechanic
Correct answer:
<h2>C. The US Supreme Court ruled that George Bush won Florida and the presidency.</h2>
Further details:
The 2000 election was extremely close, and the voting in Florida was extremely close. Ultimately, the outcome in Florida would determine the outcome of the nation's election for president. George W. Bush led the vote count on election night by 1,784 votes. That was a narrow enough lead to trigger an automatic machine recount of all ballots. When the machine recount was done, the actual lead for Bush was only 900 votes. The other candidate, Al Gore, was able to use Florida state law to request manual recounting of ballots in four key counties. But because the manual recounts were taking more time than the state law allowed, Gore petitioned the Florida Supreme Court to extend the time, so that those recounts could continue. It was the Bush campaign that appealed to the US Supreme Court, and the US Supreme Court stopped the recount process. When that happened, Florida's electoral votes (and with them, the election win) were awarded to Bush.