For what topic is this question again because it’s interning
Answer: The Great Migration. The great migration was an event where millions of African Americans migrated to the north for better living conditions, working conditions jobs, etc.
Answer 2: African Americans were heavily assaulted in the south due to the southern population being extremely racist. People would go out of their way to make fun of a black man, spit on them, and or assault them. (Example: Emmit Til) The Jim Crow Laws were segregation laws which promoted racial activity in the south.
(Hope one of these helped)
A weak government is poorly prepared to handle the demands of a crisis such as a natural disaster.
El presidente Truman envía fuerzas estadounidenses para evitar que los coreanos extiendan su gobierno comunista
El presidente Truman envía fuerzas estadounidenses a Corea del Sur para restringir la invasión del Norte. Fue un intento de contener el comunismo y ayudar a sus aliados. El comunismo según el Sr. Truman ha traspasado todos los límites para conquistar naciones independientes. Por lo tanto, EE. UU. Interferirá y utilizará la invasión armada e incluso estará listo para tener una guerra para evitar cualquier otra intrusión del reinado coreano.
The colonies would allow for resources and footholds in a region.