In 1763, the British government emerged from the Seven Years' War burdened by heavy debts. ... The result was that the British Parliament passed the 1764 Currency Act which forbade the colonies from issuing paper currency. This made it even more difficult for colonists to pay their debts and taxes.
B - Some communities closed their schools rather than to integrate.
While some in the the south did not want to integrate their schools, some communities refused (but not most) and they figured out plans to delay integration, transfer students to different schools and close others.
Men who start to get freedom to vote (later on Women would be allowed) They where tired of king george so they would not want a king or queen they want multiple people to run it making checks and balances, people would still be poor which president would use for people vote them.
Hope this helped
I think it's mostly because the promise of wealth and power
hope this helps