a) calculating the concentration at which 50% of the test organisms of a particular species die
Bioassays -
<u>Bioassays is an analytical method to assess the effect of marine pollutant on the organism by estimating the concentration at which 50% of the test organisms die after exposing the test organisms for a specified time.</u>
It can be done by quantitative or by qualitative experiment , or direct or indirect .
It is used to detect the biological hazards or give the quality assessment of the mixture .
It is also used for the monitoring the quality of water .
It is clear that from 2006 to 2012, the average insolation reflected by the Greenland ice sheets is decreasing. This indicates that each year, the amount of solar radiation that the ice sheets are able to reflect is decreasing. The level of insolation reflected is dependent on the area of ice sheets capable of reflecting the solar energy. Since the insolation reflected has decreased, this may mean that the area of the ice sheets has decreased as well.