The Gibbons v. Ogden court case in a nutshell:
Ogden had a monopoly on operating steamboats on the Lower Mississippi.
Gibbons, who had a federal liscence to operate steamboats, tried to start business there and was sued by Ogden.
The ruling was that Gibbons would be allowed to operate there, which gave precedent to federal law over state law.
The Libertarian party is highly against government interventionism and believes that wars should be fought only and only if attacked first, as self defense.
Instead of coming to terms with each other in a suitable fashion, sectionalism drove each person to be "a member of their state", instead of being a "american". This led to conflicting interests, which boiled down to war. Each person went to war for reasons of their state, instead of what Lincoln wanted, the preservation of the Union.
Communism on paper is good but in practice.. meh not really.
The Soviet Union, Vietnam, China, and Cuba advocate Capitalist policies because they can make more money off of that. True Communism, such as Marxism would be unrealistically hard to pull off in actual society. This means no one should move up the social ladder as that would go against the ideals of Communism. People are naturally ambitious, which would be a problem with the economics of true Communism.