John locke believed the government was should only be in place to protect unaliable rights such as life liberty and property
The following were the characteristics of Athenian democracy: The government consisted of an assembly, a council, and courts: The assembly was referred to as Ekklesia, the council was called Boule, and the courts were called Heliaia
Interstate compacts, <span>the most important are those for sharing water rights.</span>
The following is a list of causes of the American Revolution
1) Conflict between Great Britain and American colonists- The passage of several different taxes like the Tea Act and Stamp Act caused constant problems between the colonists and the government. This was due to the fact that the taxes were passed without the consent of the colonists.
2) Boston Masaacre- 5 unarmed colonists were killed British soldiers after a confrontation in the Boston streets.
3) Enlightenment ideas- the concepts of the social contract and unalienable Rights helped spark the American Revolution.