The personality trait that would make Dickon feel at home at Buckingham Palace or at the bottom of a coal mine is that he is very likable.
It is mention trough the book that he has a strange ability to captivate everyone human or not since his ability also applies to animals, everywhere Dickon goes everyone just fell under his spell and find him lovable. We can see the quotation that says :
There really was a sort of Magic about Dickon, as Mary always privately believed. When Mr. Roach heard his name he smiled quite leniently.
“He’d be at home in Buckingham Palace or at the bottom of a coal mine,” he said. “And yet it’s not impudence, either. He’s just fine, is that lad.”
The answer is A. It uses the word farthest, as a word that shows the biggest difference.
Illustrators. By definition, illustrators demonstrate the verbal messages they accompany. Waving a hand to say "hello" is an example of an illustrator. Illustrators are also used to communicate dimensions or direction. When asked to describe the length or width of an object, a person might hold out her hands or separate her thumb and forefinger to illustrate the measurement.
In this passage, Willis is expressing that literature is a message from the past telling us about the lives of those before us. We are told that these messages are trying to tell us how we live and how we die based on others experiences. Willis tries to explain this through a concerned, yet passionate tone that urges us, the readers, to learn from the mistakes and the fortunes of the lives of people before us. We can only do this through literature, as it is the gateway to seeing how the world works.