<span>There are four possible phenotypes with a dihybrid testcross. The 1:1:1:1 ratio means that there is an equal chance of any of the four expected phenotypes in the offspring.</span>
1. Transverse foramina present: Cervical
2. No canals or foramen present. It articulates superiorly with the sacrum: Coccyx
3. Receive the most stress: Lumbar
4. Attach to ribs: Thoracic
5. Articulates with hip bones of the pelvis: Sacrum
The vertebral column is a <u>series of 33 bones called vertebrae</u> that play a key role in organ protection, movement of body, and overall support. The column has been divided into <u>5 different regions</u> with the number of bones.
<u><em>1. Cervical Vertebrate</em></u><u>:</u> These are the group of <u>seven vertebrae of the neck</u>, start immediately below the skull. Two cervical bones C1 and C2 are unique in function. They are responsible for the movement of the head. They have <u>transverse foramina</u> which <u>gives passage to vertebral artery and vein</u>.
<em><u>2. Thoracic Vertebrae:</u></em> They are a group of twelve small bones that form the vertebral spine in the upper trunk. The function of the thoracic vertebrae is to articulate with ribs to produce the bony thorax.
<em><u>3. Lumbar Vertebrae: </u></em>This is the largest segment of the vertebral column that consists of 5 bones between the rib cage and pelvis. They <u>carry all of the upper body weight</u> providing flexibility and movement to the trunk region. This is why it can <u>receive the most stress easily</u>.
<em><u>4. Sacrum Vertebrae: </u></em>There are 5 sacral vertebral fused bones. It <u>connects to the hip bones and play role in forming a strong pelvis</u>.
<em><u>5. coccyx Vertebrae:</u></em> These are a group of 4 fused bone. There is <u>no vertebral canal due to a lack of vertebral arches</u>. They <u>provide </u>an <u>attachment site for muscles</u> ligament and tendons. They also <u>play a role in stabilization and support</u> while sitting.
Pregunta completa: un caballo negro de antepasados desconocidos fue apareado con cierto numero de yeguas de color rojo de raza pura, estos apareamientos dieron 20 descendientes de colo rojo y 25 de color negros.
A) cual de dichos caracteres fenotipicos es mas probable que este causado por un homocigoto recesivo?
B) segun su hipotesis cuantos individuos de cada clase habrian esperado
A) El color rojo es causado por un genotipo homocigota recesivo
B) Se habrían esperado 22.5 individuos negros y 22.5 individuos rojos, que juntos sumarian un total de 45 individuos.
El desarrollo del problema se encuentra disponible en el archivo adjunto
Carbon cycle refers to an array of procedures by which the compounds of carbon are interconverted in the environment, comprising the inclusion of carbon dioxide into living tissue by the process of photosynthesis and then getting back into the atmosphere via respiration, the burning of fossil fuels, and the decomposition of dead organisms.
The following are the steps that illustrate how the carbon cycle functions:
1. Carbon enters the atmosphere as carbon dioxide from combustion and respiration.
2. The absorption of carbon dioxide takes place by the producers to manufacture glucose in photosynthesis.
3. The animals feed on the plant passing the carbon components through the food chain. The majority of the consumed carbon is exhaled in the form of CO2, which was produced at the time of aerobic respiration. The plants and animals die eventually.
4. The dead plants and animals get dissociated by the dead organisms and return the carbon present in their bodies back to the atmosphere as CO2 by the process of respiration. In certain occasions, the dead plant and animals get converted into fossil fuel, which is available in future for combustion.
That would be integumentary system