During medieval times, it was believed that the well-being of a country was related to the goodness and justice of its king. If the King was good and just, then the nation will have good harvests and good weather. If there was political order, then there would be natural order.
For example in Macbeth, shakespeare shows this connection between the political and natural world: when Macbeth disrupts the social and political order by the 'ambitious murdering' of Duncan and bringing injustice to the throne, nature goes off the rails. Incredible storms rage, the earth tremors, animals go insane and eat each other. The unnatural events of the physical world emphasize the horror of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's ambition.
is it the movie Dragonfly - (2002) ?
Both nepal and swizerland are mountainous and landlocked countries. Swizerland is highly developed and rich, but Nepal is not so developed because people are more educated in Swizerland then of Nepal. In Nepal, many people works after passing school but in Swizerland you must have to learn 12 years in universities to get a job. In Swizerland there is a provision of less import and more export but in Nepal more goods are import from other countries. Transportation facility is good in Swizerland then of Nepal. Swizerland is utilizing natural resources available but Nepal is not utilizing national resources available. Political stabilty can be seen in swizerland but in nepal polical instability can be seen.