Since you already changed the fractions into decimals, it will be easier to change it into fraction with the denominator of 100 or 1000.
All you have to do is move the decimals to the right in order to find the denominator.
14a) 50/100 OR 51/100 the bigger number would be 51/100 or 0.51
14b) 80/100 or 85/100 the bigger is 85/100 or 0.85
14c) 750/1000 or 734/1000 the bigger number is 750/1000 or 3/4.
Hope this helps.
the sound makes the poem sillier
I believe that the answer is “ they aren’t sufficiently brief” because the irony is that he’s expected to make brief summaries so since they aren’t brief then that’s irony.
Haven't learned this yet, but my best guess would be D. because in the cold wars, there was the Red Scare, which was somewhat like a Witch Hunt (like the salem witch trial) except they hunted down communists and persecuted them
The answer is G. Have a good day