Nationalism advantages - promotes sense of national identity, unifies people
Nationalism disadvantages - conflicts with views of others, diminishes rights of others
Military preparedness advantages - deters/defeats hostile aggression, gives people a sense of safety
Military preparedness disadvantages - seen as threatening, could cause a war draft
Nationalism is basically when a country unifies for a common goal. It could be through use of symbols, too. For example, everyday in school we stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance together. However, sometimes a country can discriminate against a group of ethnic people if the majority doesn't like them.
Military preparedness is as the name says: being ready for war and having a strong military. These are good things and can make people feel safe. However, a potentially opposing country could see this as a challenge which is could be a cause of war.
Who wished to separate from the perceived corruption of the Church
One reason ^
Where answers B, C and D have inaccuracies in one or more parts, answer A is the only correct answer.
We as citizens of the United States want to establish the Constitution of the of the United States of America with the purposes of; forming a perfect union within all the states, establishing justice and fairness for everyone, ensuring tranquility, providing defence and welfare for every single person, and lastly, securing liberty and prosperity for the entire nation.