In this passage, almost nothing. I suppose because at 41 he was hale and healthy until he took a job on a railway babysitting a box of guns on a 200 mile rail journey, he lost his health. But to conclude much more is a travesty and the answer should not be anything.
So you should probably choose B. He is hale and hardy because (it is inferred ) he has avoided marriage.
A it mostly took place there
A., i belive the answer should be
A). Concept Map
A concept map refers to a type of representing the ideas in the diagrammatic form. The ideas are presented in the downward structure of hierarchy. The main idea is written and the sub-topics and other related topics are written in the downward branches.
David is more likely to apply the concept map form of making notes. He re-frames the notes after he is back from school to make the notes more accessible to him. Restructuring the notes to make it more learning-oriented is what David would do as a visual learner.