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It is C "It was built as the entrance to the Industrial Exploration of 1886
Un golpe de Estado (calco del francés coup d'État) es la toma del poder político de un modo repentino por parte de un grupo de poder de forma ilegal, violenta o a la fuerza, generalmente se realiza por militares o con apoyo de grupos armados. Hope this helps!!!!!!!
Writing came to India rather late, compared to the fascinating developments of philosophy and higher thought. And ever after the introduction of writing, without the advent of printing,record keeping was not easy. Most of the ancient knowledge came downthrough oral traditions and rote memory. Indians produced people and methods with fantastic memories called Sutradhars, I believe. And they had tremendous twchniques (sutras) to aid the memories, like the Brahmasutras. Writing came to India rather late, compared to the fascinating developments of philosophy and higher thought. And ever after the introduction of writing, without the advent of printing,record keeping was not easy. Most of the ancient knowledge came downthrough oral traditions and rote memory. Indians produced people and methods with fantastic memories called Sutradhars, I believe. And they had tremendous twchniques (sutras) to aid the memories, like the Brahmasutras.