The fight against fascism during World War II brought to the forefront the contradictions between America's ideals of democracy and equality and its treatment of racial minorities. Throughout the war, the NAACP and other civil rights organizations worked to end discrimination in the armed forces.
C. wanted to establish a French Republic.
The radicals in France wanted to overthrow the monarchy and establish a republic form of government to mimic that of the United States.
Moderates believed a republic was too far of a leap for a country with the tradition of monarchy. They wanted to create a parliamentary system like Great Britain that would maintain a monarchy and have representation. Conservatives wanted to maintain the monarchy and as a result were often the target of the radical government. Robespierre and the Jacobins launched a government meant to be a republic which turned into a dictatorship filled with bloodshed at the blade of the guillotine.
El arte gótico fue un estilo de arte medieval que se desarrolló en el norte de Francia a partir del arte románico en el siglo XII d.C., liderado por el desarrollo simultáneo de la arquitectura gótica. Se extendió por toda Europa occidental y gran parte del norte, sur y centro de Europa, sin borrar nunca los estilos más clásicos de Italia. A finales del siglo XIV, se desarrolló el sofisticado estilo cortesano del gótico internacional, que continuó evolucionando hasta finales del siglo XV. En muchas áreas, especialmente en Alemania, el arte gótico tardío continuó hasta bien entrado el siglo XVI, antes de ser subsumido en el arte renacentista. Los medios primarios en el período gótico incluyeron la escultura, la pintura sobre tabla, las vidrieras, los frescos y los manuscritos iluminados. Los cambios fácilmente reconocibles en la arquitectura del románico al gótico, y del gótico al renacimiento, se utilizan típicamente para definir los períodos en el arte en todos los medios, aunque en muchos sentidos el arte figurativo se desarrolló a un ritmo diferente.
The Haitian Revolution!
The Haitian Revolution began as a slave insurrection and culminated in the establishment of a sovereign state. The major insurgency began in 1791 in the important French colony of Saint-Domingue. In part inspired by the egalitarian ideology of the French Revolution, African slaves staged an organized revolt, murdering hundreds of whites and torching sugar plantations on their way to seizing control of Saint-northern Domingue's provinces. The disturbance would last until February 1794, when the French government declared the abolition of slavery in all of its domains.And when Napoleon Bonaparte's imperial soldiers seized Louverture in 1802 and sought to reintroduce slavery, the former slaves organized a resistance movement once again!
Amazing, right?
Britain's debt from the French and Indian War led it to try to consolidate control over its colonies and raise revenue through direct taxation (e.g., Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Tea Act, and Intolerable Acts), generating tensions between Great Britain and its North American colonies.