The decline of the Ottoman Empire allowed Austria -Hungary to spread it's influence in Bosnia which upset the balance between the Great Powers in that region. if the Ottoman Empire was stronger Bosnia would have stayed firmly under ottoman control
The main ideals espoused by communists are the abolition of all private property and the rule of the working class.
African Americans were allowed to vote without restricitons.
States previously had poll taxes, literacy tests and other obstacles that only the educated white man could afford to pay or pass.
a) Inventor
It was invented by David Alter.
b) What is it?
It is a system for transmitting messages from a distance along a wire, especially one creating signals by making and breaking an electrical connection.
c) What was an impact?
The invention of the telegraph did make the world a lot smaller. It help send information across the country faster than any vehicle. The government also used the invention for military purposes too. The government used this to send information and secret messages to other cities such as the capital during wars.
Following the rules can keep you out of trouble and focus on what is important
Showing up at school on time helps you learn discipline
Respecting others will help you go far and will lead to people treating you well.
Being honest helps people trust you
Exercising is good for stress and fitness
Avoiding drugs can keep you out of jail
Working hard leads to achievement
Listening to rap music
Volunteering at the Boys or Girls Club lets you share your knowledge and skills
Tutoring other students shares your knowledge