because it has at least one independent clause with a subject and verb combination
According to: The Argument's Best Friend
Ethos, logos, and pathos are persuasional tools that can help writers make their argument appeal<span> to readers; this is why they're known as the argumentative </span>appeals<span>. Using a combination of appeals is recommended in each essay. Make sure to consider carefully your audience and to stress the kind(s) of appeal that will be the most effective with each audience.
Hope this helps!!! & have a great day!!!!
Polio dose is provided to small children from villages to that of cities .This is a successful health measure undertaken by government to improve public health. Government also promotes other health measures in free of cost in governmental hospitals .
Robert Frost's central idea is his poem “Road Not Taken” is that by choosing a path that most people don't, a man can make a big difference in his life. In this poem, a man came to a place where he had to make a choice between two roads.