The name that given is Muckrakers
The term was popularly coined during the development of early progressive era in the period of 1890s - 1920s.
Back then, the government and the establishments were known to be really corrupt and many Muckrakers started to do investigative journalism to find out the truth about their practice.
Jackie was absolutely correct in requesting specific, measurable, and observable goals from Kathleen. A provision of the grant was that the agency show “demonstrated progress” toward <span>meeting the purpose of the grant in the three year period</span>
<em>Their military leadership.</em>
The area that the South had an advantage over the North in the Civil War was their military leadership. Their military leaders had a lot of experience and knew what they were doing. They knew the land and everything about it and were very determined, which rubbed off on other soldiers.
The North had a lot of more money than the South and they had access to more ports, so the North was often times more equipped than the South was. Even so, the excellent military leadership that the South had was a scary advantage that the North could not beat.
A lot of the battles that happened during the Civil War happened in the South, so the South was able to have a defensive war. The Confederate leaders knew the land better than the North, so this was an advantage.
The Bush campaign patronized clinton's character and told Bush's foreign policy successes while Clinton focused on the economy.
The saying a hungry man is an angry man is really true. the whole point of doing what they did was basically to keep the masses mind occupied and to cancel any form or rebellion peacefully.