A star’s life expectancy depends on its mass. Generally, the more massive the star, the faster it burns up its fuel supply, and the shorter its life. The most massive stars can burn out and explode in a supernova after only a few million years of fusion. A star with a mass like the Sun, on the other hand, can continue fusing hydrogen for about 10 billion years. And if the star is very small, with a mass only a tenth that of the Sun, it can keep fusing hydrogen for up to a trillion years, longer than the current age of the universe.
It is the Central nervous system and the Peripheral nervous system
The central is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral is made up of nerves that branch off from the spinal cord and extend to all parts of the body
<span>Poodle, Boxer, English Bulldog, Yorkshire Terrier, Golden Retriever, Beagle, German Shepherd, and <span>Labrador Retrievers are the most popular breeds of dogs, but there is not a "Most popular breed of dog" but many</span></span>
Because if we're simultaneously moving/manipulating two different variables it can be very hard to determine why one variable is changing and why the other is changing. While this can be done with more complicated experimental designs, it usually is the case that scientists will only manipulate one variable and not two different ones.
A Tendon is a cord of strong, fibrous tissue connecting muscle to bone And is designed to withstand tension.