You can't
Unless you have a special type of key board, you can only represent fractions with /. This is for a reason however, / also means divided by and that's what you're doing when you write a fraction. You divide the numerator by the denominator.
Sorry I can't give the answer you're looking for
C. 12
Step-by-step explanation:
the greatest common factor between 84 and 96 is 12
25/100 = 1/4 (divide both numerator and denominator by 25)
350/1000 = 35/100 = 7/20.
Answer is 5^12 which is choice A (assuming you meant to put the ^ symbol)
The bases are the same (both are 5), so you add the exponents: 4+8 = 12. The base stays the same the entire time.
So, 5^4*5^8 = 5^(4+8) = 5^12