distance and angle such that points equally distant from a fixed. point lie on a line and lines making a given angle with a fixed line pass. through a point. On account of this property we have called this. distance linear.
It is "Jupiter" with the thickest atmosphere and largest planet , plus its density that smoothly varies from zero to the density of liquid hydrogen .
Native trees have better disease and pest resistance, but how a tree is planted and the site that it is planted in can affect its overall health. Trees that become diseased are often attacked by insects (pests). This is because the disease weakens the tree's defenses, making it vulnerable to infestation by pests.
Greater, earths core is very hot and pressured.
The more you go down, the greater pressure and heat there is.
1. medieval - relating to a time in European history from about 500 to 1500 A.D.
2. Norse - relating to Scandinavia and its people
3. legacy - anything that is handed down from one generation to the next
4. migration - the act of moving from one place to another
5. Gupta - an empire that lasted about three hundred years in India
6. Tang - Chinese dynasty lasting about three hundred years