Many economists felt that the reparations demanded from Germany were excessive and counterproductive. Operating from the principle of permanently weakening Germany, France was particularly keen on punishing Germany and limiting its ability to wage war. This approach, however, backfired because reparations were so severe Germany plunged into economic chaos. This situation allowed for the rise of Adolf Hitler and planted the seeds for WWII.
Here is your answer hope it helps:)
The most common form of rule in world history has been monarchy (from the Greek <em>monos</em>, "one," and <em>arche</em>, "power"). It is an unipersonal, hereditary and lifelong form of government. The Head of State is the king (or queen), the prince or the emperor. Although monarchy was at first absolute (the ruler had absolute or total power), it then evolved into a limited form (the ruler needed the help of the most powerful members of society) and finally into a constitutional form (the ruler is primarily a symbolic figure and the nation is governed by a parliament).
At present, the monarchy is the form of government of a few countries around the world, such as Spain, England, Japan and Denmark, to name a few.
George Dashwood Taubman Goldie was a Manx administrator who played a major role in the founding of Nigeria. His role was very similar to cece Rhodes.
The Ku Klux Klan initially began as a social club and was formed by Confederate veterans at the end of the Civil War in Tennessee in 1866. This was an offensive and racist response to the newly freed blacks who used to be salves in the southern states of the United States with the objective of intimidating the black population and to restore white supremacy using violent tactics. This initial group tried to keep the black people sacred and under their control specifically so they would not enter political life or seek positions of power or in government in the community, This group was eventually dismantled by its leader Forrest because of its excessive violence and because its members would attack, hit, whip, torture and even kill black people or their supporters in night attacks. It also stopped operating because its original aim, to restore white supremacy in government and positions of power was achieved and there was no need for such an organization to continue. In the 1920's the Klan was revived by a preacher in Atlanta , Georgia. The reasons for this were patriotism and a fear of growing immigration, a nostalgia for the old south way of life and ideas like the ones coming from the Russian revolution where religion lost power and the people took control. This new revival resulted in a racist and violent organization closed and rejecting new immigrants or new ideas who react with intolerance and violence to what they see as different.