Typically the contact details for the firm would be at the bottom of the flyer.
This is to allow room for the main event itself to be advertised in top and central area of the flyer real-estate.
FTP stands for file transfer protocol. FTP is used to transfer files between computers over the Internet. FTP servers can be setup to allow users to access the information anonymously or require registration for access.
prompt("Enter a value for one edge of a cube")
Store user's value into edgeCube
area = 6 * (edgeCube * edgeCube)
volume = edgeCube * edgeCube * edgeCube
print("One side of the cube is: " + edgecube);
print("The area is: " + area)
print("The volume is: " + volume)
The correct answer is B. Africa
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) was founded in 2003 having its first center in Cape Town, South Africa. AIMS provides training for Africa's talented university graduates needed to enter technical professions or pursue graduate studies in technical fields. The Next Einstein Initiative (NEI) is a strategic plan to build on the success of the first AIMS centre and create a coordinated pan-African network of 15 AIMS centres by 2020, producing 750 well-qualified graduates per annum. AIMS won the Google's Project 10^100 and also the founder of AIMS won the TED Prize and announced his vision to unlock scientific talent across Africa.
The drill down term is basically used in the information technology for the explore the multidimensional information or data by navigating the different layers of the data from the web page applications.
Drill down basically involve in the database by accessing the specific information through the database queries. Each query basically increase the data granularity. This term is also involve with the link for represent the details more specifically.
The drill down is the simple approach or technique for dividing the complex problems into small parts so that it make the technique more efficient.