Gregor Mendel was the first scientist to use statistics to analyze scientific data. Before Mendel’s experiments, scientists beli
eved that organisms acquired traits from their environment and passed them on to their offspring. After Mendel’s discoveries were accepted, scientists realized that traits passed to offspring were the result of genes being passed from parents to offspring. This is an example of a theory changing because a new scientific method was developed.
a law changing because a new scientific method was developed.
a hypothesis changing because a new scientific method was developed.
an observation changing because a new scientific method was developed.
A theory changing because a new scientific method was developed.
Scientists before Mendel did experiments that resulted in the theory that organisms acquired traces of their environment and passed them on to their offspring. However, Mendel established a different scientific method that developed experiments that showed that this theory was wrong. Mendel developed a new theory which, based on his experiments, stated that the traits passed on to the offspring were the result of genes being transmitted from parents to their offspring.
With this, we can say that this is an example of a theory that changed because a new scientific method was developed.
I think this is an theory changing because a new scientific method was developed. They used what Mendel had learned to test the hypothesis themselves and discovered that he was right.
The plant cell has a cell wall, chloroplasts, plastids, and a central vacuole—structures not found in animal cells. Plant cells do not have lysosomes or centrosomes.