When temperatures drop below -86 C, some clouds can form. The temperature in Fahrenheit is -122.8.
<h3>What does the word "temperature" actually mean?</h3>
Temperature is a measurement unit that is used to indicate hotness or coolness on a variety of scales, including the Fahrenheit and Celsius systems. Inherently, heat energy will move from a hotter (body with a higher temperature) to a cooler (body with a lower temperature) body according to temperature (one at a lower temperature).
The conversion formula is: Temperature in Celsius * 1.8 + 32
= -86*1.8 + 32 = -122.8 degrees Fahrenheit
<h3>How is C to F to C converted?</h3>
Two significant temperature scales, Celsius and Fahrenheit, are frequently spelt incorrectly as Celcius and Farenheit.
°F = (°C 9/5) + 32 is the equation to convert a Fahrenheit temperature to a Celsius one.
°F = (°C 9/5) + 32 is the equation to convert a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
Learn more about Fahrenheit and Celsius: brainly.com/question/18800757
The Equator is 0°. If the latitude is negative (meaning below 0), that indicates that the location is to the south of the Equator.
Presidential republic with c
Communism with d
Democracy with a
Parliamentary democracy with b
Probably a Morraine. Formed by glacial erosion pushing rock out followed by glacial recession.