We use a cubic equation in which the variables and coefficients all take on values in the set of integers from 0 through p - 1 and in which calculations are performed modulo p for a __Prime Curve_ over Zp.
Two families of elliptic curves are used in cryptographic applications
- Binary curves over GF(2m):
- Prime Curves over Zp.
The answer is Upload bandwidth
Bandwidth refers to the highest transfer rate of data on an internet connection or network.
Upload bandwidth is the amount of data that moves from a computer to the internet or a network within a given amount of time. Documents, music files, video files, software and so on can be uploaded to the internet or a network.
c. nbtstat -a
Nbtstat is a TCP/IP utility which is used to display the current connections and statistics of TCP/IP using NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT).
It is installed on a computer running Microsoft Windows when the TCP/IP protocol stack is installed.
Also, it is very useful when we want to troubleshoot NetBIOS name resolution problems.
One can run nbtstat -a < ComputerName > to obtain the local NetBIOS name table on <ComputerName> and its MAC address