What the verbs fit, set, and read have in common is that <span>they keep the same form no matter what tense is used.
</span>You can say - I read a book every day. Or Those pants fit you nicely. Or I set the table often.
And if you want to say all that in the past tense, it would look the same:
I read a book yesterday. Those pants fit him nicely a long time ago. I set the table two days ago.
There could be a few terms but I would say analysis.
After Ralph’s tense, exciting stand against the hunters, the ending of Lord of the Flies is rife with irony. Ralph had thought the signal fire—a symbol of civilization—was the only way to lure rescuers to the island. Ironically, although it is indeed a fire that lures a ship to the island, it is not an ordered, controlled signal fire but rather the haphazard forest fire Jack’s hunters set solely for the purpose of killing Ralph
The plain is being compared to a Leonard's tawny hide