The answer is career clusters.
yeet my points into my wallet i need brainliest for points plzz
i actually think scheduling im 11 so i dont know dude
- def ending_time(hour, minutes, seconds, work_time):
- if((seconds + work_time) // 60 > 0):
- minutes = minutes + (seconds + work_time) // 60
- seconds = (seconds + work_time) % 60
- if(minutes // 60 > 0):
- hour = hour + (minutes // 60)
- minutes = minutes % 60
- else:
- seconds = seconds + work_time
- return str(hour) + ":" + str(minutes) + ":" + str(seconds)
- print(ending_time(2,30,59, 12000))
The solution code is written in Python 3.
Firstly create a function ending_time that takes the four required input parameters.
Next, create an if statement to check if the numerator of (seconds + work_times) divided by 60 is over zero. If so, increment the minute and reassign the remainder of the seconds to the variable (Line 2-4).
Next, create another if statement again to check if the numerator of (current minutes) divided by 60 is over zero, if so increment the hour and reassign the remainder of the minutes to the variable (Line 6-8)
Otherwise, just simply add the work_time to the current seconds
At last return the time output string (Line 12).
bears = {"Grizzly":"angry", "Brown":"friendly", "Polar":"friendly"}
for bear in bears:
if bears[bear] == "friendly":
print("Hello, "+bear+" bear!")
A dictionary called bears is given. A dictionary consists of key-value pairs.
You need to check each key-value pairs in bears and find the ones that have "friendly" as value using a for loop and if-else structure. In order to access the values of the dictionary, use the dictionary name and the key (inside the loop, the key is represented as bear variable). If a key has a value of "friendly", print the greeting. Otherwise, print "odd".
I don’t know if this helps, but here are three types of main flows: flow of material/goods, flow of money/cash, and flow of information.