"The Goophered Grapevine" is a work by Charles W. Chesnutt. It was first published in 1887.
The frame story in this short story is told by John. The Goophered Grapevine is about the history of ruined plantation in North Carolina. The frame story is about the trip of John and his wife to North Carolina. He goes there to see the grapevine and to pursue a business opportunity there. The embedded story is told by Julius McAdoo, who is the former slave. Both these story's convey's the message told in the story by showing the reader a contrast between the dialects of a North white and a slave.
According to the French dictionary Petit Robert, it "perhaps" originally came from Italian, "Bombagia", meaning cotton.
Ref: 1220; o. i., p.-ê. de l'it. bombagia « coton
Note: Agreed, the word beige most recently came from French. I went too far back to 1220!
(edited 2018-03-08)
i can not give an answer without knowing a little bit about the book
Huh ?? But I don’t know to be completely honest.
When Louisa moved to Washington, she started to work at the Union Hotel Hospital as a nurse.
Just after a few weeks after starting her job, she started to fell ill. She wrote in her journal that "bad air, food, water, work and watching are getting too much for me" and also "A more perfect pestilence-box than this house I never saw". The Union Hotel Hospital was actually a ghastly and dirty place, which was full of patients and medical workers. Moreover, the food was the same for patients and workers, which was unhealthy, repetitive and difficult to digest. These all things contributed to her illness.
But on the other side.
Even though her days were tiring and full of fatigue, she really liked it. She wrote in her journal that "Though often homesick, heart sick and worn out, I like it". She used to find her pleasure by comforting and cheering her patients.