Check kiter.
What the exercise describes is a form of fraud commited with checks. The check kiter would take advantage of the float to make use of funds (that do not exist) in a bank account transforming a check in a form of unauthorized credit, like the exercise examplifies: Out of 2 accounts, you issue a check that overdraws their accout at bank 1, and then deposits a check in that account from their bank 2 to cover the first check. You "abuse" the float to make use of funds that don't exist.
there is a valid contract, but there has been no breach of that contract by the University or by Joe.
Joe met all the requirements the university required of course candidates that Joe would like to take. Although Joe seems to be an excellent candidate, he was not approved, while people with grades below him were proven. This sounds like an unfair case, but this was a situation where a valid contract exists, but there was no breach of that contract by the University or Joe. This is because despite Joe's selection criteria, the university stated that other criteria (chosen by the university itself) would be chosen to select candidates. Therefore it can be stated that Joe did not meet these criteria and therefore was not selected.
when people came to Canada they settled in the South which was ice. Then the climate warmed so people settled in the North
An underlying cause was the growing racial tension in a rapidly-changing city and economy, with competition for jobs, housing, and political power. The violence did not end until after Governor Joseph M.