Dear ________________________________ ,
I need your help to stop smoking. Doctors know that friends and family can
be a big help to someone who wants to stop smoking.
Here are some things you can do to help me stop smoking for good:
1. Be positive. Tell me you’re glad I’ve stopped smoking.
2. Please put up with me if I’m crabby or cranky the first few days after
I stop smoking. While I’m giving up cigarettes, I may be on edge. This
will go away soon.
3. Ask me how things are going from time to time.
4. Make a change for the better yourself—like eating better or exercising.
5. Reward and praise me. Rewards don’t have to cost much. It’s the
thought that counts.
6. Don’t tempt me. It’s hard enough without seeing and smelling cigarettes.
It’ ll be tough if you offer me a cigarette or smoke in front of me.
7. Don’t nag. Be understanding.
8. If I slip up, tell me not to give up.
Here are some other things you can do: ________________________________
Thank you for helping me to stop smoking. It means a lot to me.
Signature of smoker _______________________