Through the many wars and peace congresses of the 18th century, European diplomacy strove to maintain a balance between five great powers: Britain, France, Austria, Russia, and Prussia. At the century’s end, however, the French Revolution, France’s efforts to export it, and the attempts of Napoleon I to conquer Europe first unbalanced and then overthrew the continent’s state system. After Napoleon’s defeat, the Congress of Vienna was convened in 1814–15 to set new boundaries, re-create the balance of power, and guard against future French hegemony. It also dealt with international problems internationally, taking up issues such as rivers, the slave trade, and the rules of diplomacy. The Final Act of Vienna of 1815, as amended at the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) in 1818, established four classes of heads of diplomatic missions—precedence within each class being determined by the date of presentation of credentials—and a system for signing treaties in French alphabetical order by country name. Thus ended the battles over precedence. Unwritten rules also were established. At Vienna, for example, a distinction was made between great powers and “powers with limited interests.” Only great powers exchanged ambassadors. Until 1893 the United States had no ambassadors; like those of other lesser states, its envoys were only ministers.
Scared people to not read it
The concept of "lost generation" was introduced into circulation by the American writer Gertrude Stein. Shortly after Ernest Hemingway, a close friend of Stein, included the expression in the epigraph of Fiesta novel, it took on a broader meaning, referring to young people who matured on the fronts of the World War and became disillusioned with the post-war world. This also affected writers who realized that former literary norms were inappropriate, and the old writing styles became obsolete. Many of them emigrated to Europe and worked there until the era of the Great Depression. One of the most famous writers of the lost generation and another icon of the sixties was Ernest Hemingway. Another well-known representative of the lost generation was Francis Scott Fitzgerald. In poetry, the ideology of the lost generation was anticipated by Thomas Sterns Eliot, whose themes in his early poems were loneliness, homelessness, and the inferiority of man.
That decade, dubbed the "fat" or "silent" fifties, was a time of prosperity, the rapid growth of the middle class (the so-called white-collar workers), and consumerism. Consumerism was most vividly addressed in the novels of Erich Maria Remarque and Don Delillo - the culture of consumerism became the object of their irony.
New Granada (Colombia and Panama), Venezuela, and Quito (Ecuador)