The ancient China have had 2 forms government, feudatory form and monarchy form.
In the feudatory form, the center government shared rule for the government of locals, because in that time, transportation was backward, they didn’t have ability for control the locals
But when the goverment of locals have alot of powerful, they usually againsted for the rule of center government and center government don’t accept for that point, then they builded the form monarchy, in the form monarchy, the center government control all of locals
At the beginning of the war, the Confederacy chose a more defensive strategy while the Union chose an offensive strategy. The defensive strategy of the Confederacy did not work against the strength of the Union army and the Union was able to make successful raids on Confederate territory. After a while, the Confederate army grew weaker and the Confederate President Jefferson Davis decided to switch to an offensive-defensive strategy that allowed Confederate territories to be protected but also allowed for strategic offensives or counteroffensives. The Confederacy didn't want to take Union territory, they just wanted to survive and defend it's right to secede. The strategies of the Confederacy could not work against the strength of the United States.
The Civil War revolutionized the concept of war. There were many technological advancements including the telegraph, railroads, trench warfare, hot air balloons, and ironclads. In my opinion, the most important of these was the telegraph. This invention allowed almost instant long-distance communication. If an armies telegraph wasn't working the outcome of the battle could dramatically change. The Union had a more reliable telegraph system than the Confederates, this could have been a major contribution to the North's victory. While railroads were invented in 1825, they were never really popular before the Civil War. During the Civil War, both North and South could move men, weapons, and food to there armies. The first balloon flight was in 1783. The Civil War was the first war to use air balloons for reconnaissance and artillery spotting. Trench Warfare was introduced during the war which prolonged fighting. Ironclads drastically advanced naval warfare because they were nearly impossible to sink.
hi there again
your answer to this is
They believedthat the power have to tax was necessary to provide the national defense and to repay debts to other nations. Anti-Federalists opposed the power, but they fearing it could allow the central government to rule the people and the states by imposing unfair and repressive taxes,
i hope this helps u out
have a great after noon