Answer:what are the questions?
The woman is resolving the loss and moving into idealization.
Answer: The correct answer is : Everyone has approximately the same number of melanocytes, so in this case the order does not matter.
Explanation: The main function of melanocytes is to produce melanin that is important in protection against sunlight. Melanin is the substance that gives skin color.
The correct answer is letter C
The good neighbor policy was a specific line of American foreign policy formulated for Latin America during the Roosevelt government. It was a new relationship proposal with the continent that fundamentally aimed at erasing the marks of the Big Stick policy that had characterized the previous actions of the United States in the Latin American region.
The conception of the new policy was linked to a combination of factors internal and external to American society. Internally, the rhetoric of good neighborliness was associated with bureaucratic and business political groups that came to power with Roosevelt. Externally, it was supported by the extensive network of economic-financial relations that had been developing in increasing volume between the United States and Latin America.
Such process of improvisation is called <u>Creative Improvision.</u>
In any sector involved, there is need to improvise inorder to get a better version of that particular thing being worked upon. For example, a manuscript needs to be improved on through improvision same with a structurally defective building that needs improvison inorder to resolve the defects.
In the case of Steve Jobs and Dean Hovey (His employee) expirementation ( improvised) in order to get an efficient mouse, <em><u>it is called creative improvision. </u></em>