1. past
2. had, past perfect
3. has, have, present perfect
4. future
5. present
6. will have, future perfect
and #6 at the bottom is had cleared
Meg uses her ability to love in order to try and defeat IT. Here she is face-to-face with the problem.
Take the Fitbit. The bracelet-like gadget can count someone's steps. It helps people stay physically fit. The newest models track heart rate and stress levels.
The above passage (part one) from the article supports the idea that information obtained from a wearable device can be used to improve one's well-being.
This part claims to help people stay physically fit and it also claims that its newest models track heart rate and stress level. Staying physically fit, tracking heart rate and stress level are all related one's well-being.
Jacquard Tag in second part is not about one's well-being but about reaching Google's voice assistant.
EP 01 in the third part is about having fun for feet by syncing with music.
The last and fourth part is the conclusion and talks about tackling common problems.
thought she had seen a ghost. The simile is that her face was white as snow. It compares how pale her face was to the color of snow.
See attachment.
The connotation of a word is an idea or feeling that word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.